Produce a series of posters using data manipulation
Interpret minimal artwork using post-processing
Use resampling to create a variety of effects
This self directed brief was an exploration of data manipulation
techniques which when used creatively allow for an intricate and
impossible to replicate outcome. By opening the source code of image
files and editing it directly 'image moshing' or 'databending' them
through copying and pasting sections and deletion, find and replace
as well as conversion to audio and using audio production methods on
the resulting noise file a lesser known and amazing set of effects
can be achieved.
Inspired by glitch art, data moshing and digital expressionism I
wanted to create a blend between geometric posts I had made using
Illustrator which featured minimal, modernist elements but then use
post pressing to see what kind of outcomes I could get.
Initially I edited the code directly which was a difficult and
tedious thing to get to grips with at first where it is very
difficult to do something purposefully, however after some amount of
time I realised that by copying and pasting sections around I was
able to bend and glitch some of the images.
Following on from this I took to converting the image files into
audio using an audio editor called 'Audacity'. The result is a file
which sounds like radio static, however when in this form the audio
file can then be edited using audio production techniques which
resulted in the following posters, by doing this repeatedly and
loading in files which had been glitched already and editing over
the top of the edits I was able to create some really varied outputs
and interesting outcomes.
Code editing
AUdio production
Destructive post processing
Outputs can be very different from small changes in the effects applied to the audio.
File sizes were very large for these outcomes, these are scaled down versions which have been reduced many times. There is also difficulty in certain file types being opened in photoshop or image editors without being resaved as .png or .bmp files. This is to be expected due to the strange nature of the file conversion and file corruption techniques!
Images start to completely lose their initial forms and turn into something completely different.
Doing something on purpose takes a bit of trial and error but eventually things start to form around some common patterns.
Having said that you can never be sure what is going to happen next with this technique, a truly exciting project to work on and one that I loved dearly from start to end!
Get In Touch
I do graphic design, creative coding, UX design, art and music.
I believe in open and collaborative design practices.