Explore typography and poetry
Interpret a poem about the environment using typographic means
This was a micro brief for me where I explored interpreting poetry
about the environment using experimental typography.
I created a processing program which took text and then
destructively re-arranged the pixels according to functions I had
created. When layered and interacting with each other these
functions can create a lot of variation. There was a high degree of
experimentation and randomness when creating these functions.
I wanted to create a sense of urgency, a stark contrast, feelings of
loss and resembelance of natural forms with the destructive pixel
My idea ended up revolving around trying to bring in an emotive
graphic element to the words and to emphasise the meaning of the
graphics as a reflection of how the poetry might make people feel.
Creative coding
Desctructive pixel sorting
Experimental design
Discursive design
From the same program randomised parameters create highly different
systems from the same starting point.
I built upon these initial sketches to try and create some more
purposeful elements in the composition along with the poem in full
to one side where it is readable and has not had a destructive sort
applied to it.
Some outcomes were hardly legible wheras others were much easier to read. Going further with this project and embedding it into a web page is something I want to move forward with to allow people to send their own poetry through the program!
Get In Touch
I do graphic design, creative coding, UX design, art and music.
I believe in open and collaborative design practices.